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Like so many in the Gospel, in an atmosphere of prayer and adoration, we encounter Jesus and courageously ask him for healing. Jesus comes and visits us and our woundedness. This is healing. His simple presence transforms our darkness into light, the lies we believe about ourselves into truth, and the coldness of our isolation into the warmth of his love. Set free from lies, resentment, and self reliance, we can live in freedom to love God and neighbor. This Evening of Adoration and Healing is designed to help you encounter Christ and experience freedom in healing.


During adoration, prayer teams from our Divine Mercy Healing Team will be available to pray with you. Approach a prayer team with your intentions and the team will intercede for you. This prayer typically lasts about 10 minutes and will be available throughout the time of Adoration.



5:30  Mass 

6:15  Hospitality w/Appetizers 

7:00  Adoration & Healing

8:30 Benediction & Conclusion


The Divine Mercy Healing Team was formed on the Feast of the Sacred Heart in 2018.  The team continues to expand to meet the growing demands.  Members have been getting on-going formation through annual training seminars, and bi-monthly formation meetings and triad prayer practices.  Beyond this, many members have also attended I AM Training with the JPII Healing Center, the Encounter School of Ministry, and other training programs.  Everything shared with the team members is kept in strictest confidentiality.   


Meet the Divine Mercy Team

Click below for flyer and registration:

at St. Joseph of Cupertino Parish

©2024 Our Lady of Santa Clara Retreat Center

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